Flower Pounding on Cellulose Fibers

Step 1: Determine the mordant best for your fabric. I chose Aluminum Acetate for this project as it works best for cellulose fibers like linen.

Step 2: Prewash and dry your items/fabric.

Step 3: Weigh your dry fabric (grams).

Step 4: Soak fabric in water for 2+ hours.

Step 5: Mix 2 teaspoons of Aluminum Acetate and 1/4 cup of hot water per 100 grams of fabric. I wore a dust mask for this step.

Step 6: Fill the stock pot (not to be used for cooking afterward) with enough water to cover the fabric and allow it to move.

Step 7: Cover and bring to just under a boil before adding the Aluminum Acetate mixture. Stir.

Step 8: Add fabric (wring out excess water beforehand), cover, and keep temp between 190-200 degrees Fahrenheit. Stir every ten minutes or so to ensure that the material is evenly saturated.

Step 9: Remove from heat and allow pot and fabric to cool.

Step 10: Once dye goods are cool enough to touch, remove them from pot and rinse away excess Alum with cold water. Hang dry (or tumble dry low) and iron smooth to prepare for flower pounding.

Note: The solution can be reused one more time if replenished (1/4 teaspoon aluminum acetate per 100 g fabric).

Step 11: Layer cardboard (and a self-healing board if you have it) on a hard, stable, flat surface and cover with parchment paper.

Step 12: Lay fabric flat, place the flower in the desired location, and cover with fabric, plastic, paper towel, or a separate piece of parchment paper (really anything can be used, you need a barrier—single use). Pound the flower/flowers evenly with a hammer. Remove parchment/fabric and repeat.

Step 13: Clean, dry, and enjoy!

Have something to add? Leave a comment with any tips and tricks!


Howard, H. T. (2022, May 31). Mordanting cellulose fibers with aluminum acetate. By Hand Serial. https://www.byhandserial.com/season-of-color-blog/mordanting-cellulose-fibers

Flower pounding on Fabric - Feltmagnet. (n.d.). https://feltmagnet.com/crafts/How-to-Flower-Pound-on-Fabric


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